Small is Beautiful

Small is Beautiful By SALLY KEENEY Correspondent Less is more. Small is beautiful. These phrases and more lauding the virtues of frugality and minimalism have been in the Mother Earth lexicon since the early 1970s.  Whether you are planting a victory garden in a lush suburban backyard or downsizing to a small apartment, the idea is to make the space you have not only aesthetically beautiful and functional, but sustainable as well. Hi ... Read full post »

Worry free Building

Progressive Construction Company places Emphasis on Enviroment-friendly and Budget-friendly Living Spaces By Benji Cauthren, Correspondent CARRBORO — Some of the best houses Rick Allen and Tom Howlett build begin on cocktail napkins rather than as architect’s blueprints. That’s because Allen and Howlett get just as much of a kick out of the creative process as they do watching the actual bricks and mortar building. This is why th ... Read full post »